Friday, April 11, 2008


When you teach, your influence reaches out over many generations. In a way, you leave a mark on all those you have helped to mould, and who have passed through your hands…
For 21 years, I dedicated my life to teach 1 000’s of students RIGHT. I can never accept lies from lawyers, and wrongs from doctors, which then means that the Hippocratic Oath becomes a Hypocritic Oath!
The close-to-death pain-experiences after failed mouth surgery, has inspired me to make an Oath, dedicating my life to make a difference: I view this as “MY BEST LECTURE”!
A friend of mine, Dr. Leah Chesler, is a heroine: under the most trying circumstances, she achieved her doctorate at age 66 years, on a stretcher, at the university graduation ceremony. When she was capped in red, she received a standing ovation. She was the eternal student, who passed away while she was busy with post-doctoral research…
The dean of the faculty where I was registered for a Masters Degree, asked me if I am “out of it”? Did he ask me this, because I am 55? …because I am crippled after failed mouth surgery? …what did he mean? Come to think of it, he kicked me whilst I was down, and doing my best to climb up again…
I will prove that I am “in it”, and I am worthy, and on God’s Orders! I will only be “out of it” when I am dead!
Anyone who spoke out during the apartheid regime, was shut up and removed. The New South Africa will be a success, because democracy has enabled citizens to right the wrongs of the “laager mentality” of apartheid: people were frightened to speak up…
Peace will prevail only when TRUTH is admitted, and a road is opened for the benefit of all South Africans.
UBUNTU means sharing, so that we all succeed: Ubuntu, in action, implies: “I am a person, because of other people”. Interaction and co-operation creates synergy, which means there’s more for all of us.
UBUNTU locks horns with greed, which promotes dog-eat-dog, win-at-all-costs competition. The horse-of- opportunity, that could have been shared, is killed and cut up. Everyone is doomed!
After a doctor butchered me, I was dispossessed. The doctor’s lawyer boasted that the high court case was going to be a “walk-over”.
Daggers wound my soul, because my sanity was fingered, for which I will never forgive the persons implicated: an advocate, wearing a skull-cap and, operating with a ruthless social worker, tried to get me to be evaluated at a mental institution, his pretext being that it would “strengthen my case”… Sure! Strengthen the case AGAINST me!
To think that all the main players in this evil fiasco – motivated by money, and aiming to shut me up – are people of my same religious faith, which is based on the Sacred-Laws-of-Truth: Dr. Abraham J. Twersky teaches us that “TRUTH+GOD are inseparable twins”! My faith is also based on “Tikkun Olam” - “healing the world” - even though they tried to destroy me and my Truth, in order to protect a doctor with a medical negligence history, God expects of me never to renege, and never to relent, on precipitating an investigation which will crack into medico-legal corruption in South Africa: even though I may never complete this task, it has my total commitment, and I do it with Honour, to God’s Greater Glory…
I have learnt that life punishes those who are different, because they refuse to follow the sheep to the slaughter. Kahlil Gibran fled from his own country, because he announced the Truth. History is replete with people who announced Truth and were shunned; then they became heroes. My Hero is Nelson Mandela, who was shut away for 27 years, because He struggled to crack apartheid: from Prisoner to President; now He’s An Icon, because He never gave up…
Terry Fox, a leukemia sufferer with a gammy leg, in a Public Awareness Campaign, struggled to run across Canada. He donated all monies to charity. People took scant notice!
I am permanently maimed after botched mouth surgery: I eat in pain, and I speak in discomfort. Because I voiced my grievances, my sanity was fingered, my house and furniture was attached by the sheriff, in an attempt to silence me, and my lecturing career is aborted. A person’s mouth is who they are: my mouth is broken! “They deprived me of my possessions, they can shed my blood, and burn my body, but they can never harm my spirit, or touch my Truth” (Kahlil Gibran).
Truth and Justice denied, in a blatantly-unfair trial, coupled with gross Human Rights Abuse – they tried to drug me, and to blackmail me, into a mental institution – compels me to dedicate my life to a Public Awareness Campaign, rocking apartheid-installed health professions council and law society, which still treat victims of medical negligence with aggressive contempt.
My firm resolve to stop similar torture and trauma with other victims, has moved me beyond fear.
Like Terry Fox, I will donate all monies to precipitate an investigation into the cancer of medico-legal corruption in South Africa.
I have prepared myself for the worst scenario, but I will not be intimidated, and I will never relent on proving that because of botched surgery and blatant negligence, I live in permanent pain.
My conscience obliges me to share my horrific encounters with the world, and to alert all South Africans, so that they are pre-warned, and spared similar heinous torture by an archaic system, which refuses to listen.
For the benefit of all South Africans, I expose tactics used by lawyers, in order to protect doctors who damage us: the law works against the victim, and favours the negligent doctor...
All lawyers are comrades, so your lawyer will play into the doctor’s lawyers’ hands, ensuring you are financially drained.
The doctor’s lawyers will pay a medical team mega-bucks to get reports which will challenge your sanity, so the focus of the damage caused by the doctor boomerangs, and there is an entire paradigm shift, with all forces working against you; you will be given medication that may cost you your life, and they will arrange to institutionalise you, if this is necessary, in order to shut your mouth...
If I relent on following through this crusade-for-Truth, I betray the principles which sustain my life...
Raymond Chait (Hons. B.Com. H.E.D.) e-mail: cell: 082 672 3776 mobile: +27 82 672 3776